Thursday, February 25, 2016

Continuing the study of the human body, the Kindergarten class got to learn about taste buds!
The International Festival was a huge success! Thank you all again!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Kindergarten class got a chance to make brain hats.

There is no hiding how much fun they had with them!

During our Valentine's day party, Ms. Shelley taught us all a fun song and dance. 
Everyone had a heart full of love and a tummy full of cookies!

We were lucky enough to have Ms. Kim come this week and help out in our classroom. 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

We are learning about the bones in our body!

Discussing the human skeleton is always a favorite.

The Kindergarten class got to see " Jack and the Bean Stalk" at the Children's Theater this week!

Friday, February 5, 2016

We all enjoyed a visit from Indian Springs Pediatric Dentistry! 

Al the alligator shows us how to correctly brush our teeth!

Learning about Asian animals.

Doing the wave with Hokusai

Important Dates to Remember:

8th:  scholastic order deadline.  

9th:  field trip for Kindergarten students only(permission slips went home in backpacks today)

12th:  Our Valentine's party.  Please send 22 valentines with only the "from" filled out for your child to share with classmates.

15th:  No School/President's Day

19th:  Peace Ceremony  9:00

20th:  International Festival in the Gym 3-6pm (we are representing Switzerland)  Our class will be singing with Ms. Shweta and Ms. Julia's class.